Full Weekend:
Registration: $125
World Of Lights
Annual Theme
Vignette Swap
Simon Liu and friends at ToroLUG created Habitats, a simple standard that anyone can build. Based on the collectible series, each minifig is given its own Habitat befitting its character, time, and place.
In a perfect Habitats display each collectible minifig will be represented once, and the borders would be color-coordinated. But as this collab is new to BrickFair we'll be happy with any mix of minifigs that arrive, and with modules built to standard. Who cares if we duplicate a fig?
Pick a favorite fig, build his or her Habitat, and bring it to the event to join the others.
When color-coordination is agreed upon (which we at BrickFair don't bother with), it comes together like this:
Download instructions: |
Do I need to follow the standard?
Yes. The standard is standard for a reason. And, yes, it's a little complicated. If yours doesn't match up with the others, you may be asked to modify it so that it can stack properly with the other habitats. If you don't have the exact top back row of plates, you can substitute a combination of plates and minifigure bases (goodness knows we all have a ton of those). But check and double-check the placement of the bricks so that your MOC can match up with the others.
Hints: From the back, or the side you should be able to count a height of 8 2/3 bricks.
Can I have more than one minifigure in a habitat?
Yes! We know sometimes minifigures get lonely or want to invite a friend into their space.
Can I use minifigures other than those in the collectible series?
Yes! Any LEGO minifig is fair game. Be creative!
Does my base need to be a certain color?
No, use any colors you like. Feel free to color coordinate with the subject of your MOC.
Elements in my MOC stick outside the bounds a little. Is that all right?
Yes. Make every effort to keep within the boundaries, but it's alright if something sticks out from the front or a little from the top. We'll try to place you where that won't obstruct anyone else's MOC.
I'm building more than one MOC and I would like them to be placed in a particular order or arrangement in the collaboration. Is that possible?
Absolutely. Just let the coordinator know that's your preference when you set up. Conversely, if you made more than one MOC and don't mind if they aren't displayed next to each other, please let the coordinator know.
Do I need to bring my own connectors?
No, but you are welcome to if you want to.
Do I need to bring my own supports?
If you wish, that would be greatly appreciated. Habitats will be stacked (probably 4 high). If your MOC is one that will be on the second, third, or fourth row, it might need support under it. If you didn't bring a support, that's okay; we'll borrow some bricks from Stay & Play.
Should I register my habitat MOC?
Please do! On the "Where will you display? page of the registration process, under the "Collaborative" drop-down menu select "Habitats."
I'm bringing more than one habitat MOC. Should I register each one?
It's totally up to you. You can either register them as a group or register each one individually. Cards can be placed with your MOC or on the table in front of the column your MOC is in.
Does my MOC need to be displayed all weekend during the public hours?
Yes. Your MOC might end up in the middle or at the bottom of the collaborative display and you will have to wait until the end of BrickFair Sunday to retrieve it. Attempting to remove one Habitat could damage MOCs around it, and that's not fair to others. If you know you're leaving early, please let the Habitat Coordinator know when you're setting up so your MOC can be placed at the top or on the end.