Answers vary with each show.  Highlighted info and highlighted info is unique to Virginia '25.
Register to exhibit!

The fee is $125.  All attendees - vendors, exhibitors, and non-exhibiting family - must register and pay.  Ages 5 and under are excepted.

The $30 early payment discount, which makes your registration fee just $95, ends Thursday, Mar 13th 2025.

Yes.  Your chaperone must also register and pay.  There are no free or discounted admissions.

Exhibitor's event is 4 days long, starting Thursday, Mar 27th 2025 and ending Sunday, Mar 30th.

Public hours are only Saturday and Sunday.

Advertisements and the BrickFair.com home page advertise directly to the public, listing only the Sat/Sun hours, so as not to confuse public visitors.

It's included in your registration.  Every registrant is entitled to show off MOCs.  We cram in or spread out based on MOC turnout.

It is not uncommon for us to display MOCs 2-deep.  We strive for fairness.  Please be prepared to share space.

BrickFair FXBG 2025 is divided up by Themes.  Aim for your theme.  A map is located on the back cover of your Program Guide (in your goodie bag when you check-in).

It may be necessary to touch or move others' MOCs when placing your own.  Be gentle.  Treat others' LEGO better than you treat your own.  Or better yet, ask a Theme Leader for assistance.

Set up your MOC anytime from noon on opening day until midnight Friday.  Larger MOCs should arrive earlier.  As the setup days pass, space becomes a premium.  Regardless if you arrive earlier or later, be prepared to move/shuffle MOCs as needed to accommodate others.  Theme Leaders may move your MOC if needed.

It's easier for us to set large MOCs first and to situate smaller MOCs around them than vice versa.  There is room for everyone, regardless of when MOCs were registered.

It's your choice to show them together (in the Mixed area, so you can keep an eye on them) or to place each in its own respective theme.  If showing them together, find a spot to call your own.  Use common sense, don't infringe on other themes or other group's areas.

Chairs are provided behind the MOC tables.  You'll hang out, watch your MOC (public hours), show off to the public, and hopefully make friends with your neighbors.

Generally, we take turns.  During public hours someone should be watching.

Once registered, here's the payment information.

Yes, your mom must also register and pay.  There are no free or discounted admissions.

Yes, your kids must also register.  There are no free or discounted admissions.

Yes, your son must register.  There are no free or discounted admissions.

The last day to register as exhibitor is BrickFair Friday of each event.  You may walk into the event and register on the spot, Thursday through Friday evening.

These benefits require pre-registration and pre-payment:

  • Your name appears in the Program Guide: Thursday, Mar 13th 2025.
  • LEGO Brick Badge: Thursday, Mar 13th 2025.
  • $30 registration discount: Thursday, Mar 13th 2025.
  • Exhibitors' fun starts: Thursday, Mar 27th.

Only the first 350 paid registrants will receive a complete goodie bag.  Then the goodies shrink based on supplies.

Registrants must either A) Be 16-years-old, or B) Attend with another registrant who is 18+years-old.  Everyone must pay the $125 registration ($95 if paid by Mar 13th).

A few features are age-limited.  Bidding in our charity auction is limited to AFOLs aged 18 and up.  Activities held during Adult Swim are limited to AFOLs 21+.  See the schedule.

Other games may be limited to AFOLs aged 13 and up, or 18 and up, depending on the game host.  Each game-host determines their own rules and eligibility.

Registrants are exhibitors.  Yes, bring a LEGO creation to show.  That's the whole fun!

Public visitors are not permitted to bring MOCs.

Bring any LEGO-built creation you dreamt up and built yourself.  Build and bring what makes you happy.

BrickFair is divided into Themes but don't pigeon-hole yourself.  Build what you like and we'll make a place for you.

Don't bring official LEGO sets - that won't impress anyone.

A creation not suitable for family viewing may be removed to where only adults can see it (ie: our staff breakroom) - and you wouldn't be the first.

Bring it all.

Nah.  If you come empty-handed, you won't be the only one.  But the glue that holds BrickFair together is MOCs.

Setting up should take place Thursday afternoon (see the schedule) and continue through Friday evening.  If bringing a large display, you'll want to arrive early to secure a spot.  As more MOCs arrive and tables fill up it becomes increasingly difficult to jostle for larger MOCs.

See the schedule of events.  Note: the full registrants' weekend runs Thursday afternoon through Sunday night.  Set-up hours are considered half the fun!

The Fredericksburg Expo Center is all concrete floors.

Seriously, register and pay ahead of time.  It will make your weekend and ours so much more enjoyable.

Register your MOCs as soon as possible -- at bare minimum 7 days prior to BrickFair.  Last-minute MOC cards will not be printed.

Brick badges and brick badge parts are not given to anyone paid after the brick badge deadline, Thursday, Mar 13th 2025.  Even when offering to pay for them, requests for engraved badge parts, to BrickFair staff or to engravers, will be denied.

Heck, take Thursday off too.

Most people treat BrickFair as a vacation destination, not a weekend diversion.  Most take time off work to be there.  Seminars are scheduled throughout the day Friday and some on Thursday.

Many games have limited seating.  Sign-up to play online.

As soon as you check-in, make yourself comfortable, open your goodie bag, and read the Program Guide.  It's where we try to stick all the important information.

If you registered your MOCs on time, MOC cards are in your goodie bag waiting for you when you check-in.

Once registered, inspect your name badge online!  It is engraved just as you spelled it, including CAPitalization and misspellings.

Once paid, your name badge may be engraved at any time.  Once engraved, your badge (and on-screen name) cannot be modified.

Your MOC cards allow more text than might appear on the actual card.  Click the [MOC Card] link to inspect your MOC card.  This is how your MOC card will actually appear when printed!

BrickFair has a no-stroller policy for the public.  This does not apply to you, the exhibitors.

You'll have room behind your MOC tables to park your stroller.

Registrants are exhibitors.  You should build something (your own original creation) to show off.

"A lot of the social scene revolves around talking about what you've built, how you've built it, and what you're going to build.  Without something you've created, you can't have those discussions."

Jonathan Bender, LEGO: A Love Story

We have volunteer positions for traffic-control, cashiers, door guards, etc.  You can plop into a position for just an hour and then leave.

You may find yourself on a group trek to our local LEGO store (in Woodbridge, 30 miles and 60 minutes away).  Plus there's vendors within BrickFair selling all sorts of fun stuff.  You'll spend more than you plan.

Individuals build units following a standard's guidelines.  When these AFOLs arrive at BrickFair, all their MOCs come together smoothly in one elegant display.

Expect to see these, and possibly others:

  • Great Ball Contraption.  Wildly popular for AFOLs and public.  Use automation to transport balls around the table.  The standard.
  • Micropolis.  Originally from TwinLUG, build entire cities with just a few LEGO pieces.  The standard.
  • Classic Castle City.  Allows various people to work together regardless of MOC size and complexity.  The standard.

No she's not.  If your wife wishes to attend a seminar, she must register.  There are no free or discounted admissions.

Well now that's just cheating.  The simple act of walking into the expo is partaking in the event.  And participation requires registration.  There are no free or discounted admissions.

Registration is fully refundable up to 30 days prior to the event.  After Feb 25th 2025 no refund is offered.

To request a refund, contact us.  See also vendor refund policy.

Yes.  Ship your MOC to BrickFair's mailing address.

Package must arrive by Thursday, Mar 20th; on Friday, Mar 21st Todd moves to BrickFair, and does not return home.  Write the recipient's name on the outside of the box.  We won't open it; we'll simply deliver it to the person.

Only registrants get a goodie bag.  It will include: a Program Guide, your Name Badge, and some LEGO pieces.

A quote from our Program Guide:

For trademark reasons, we call ourselves "BrickFair."  But be clear, this is a LEGO expo!  Within the adult LEGO community certain leeway is collectively agreed upon regarding other modeling mediums, such as string or rubberbands, engraved LEGO brand bricks, and even custom AFOL-created bricks designed specifically to resemble LEGO.  However, Mega Bloks, K'Nex, Lincoln Logs, Playmobil, and the like, are not welcome.

It's your party.  You are welcome to come and go as you wish.

But the rest of us find that odd.  Most people treat BrickFair as a vacation destination.  It's a 4-day party.

No.  The only business advertising permitted within BrickFair are at vendor tables.  All other spaces are ad-free zones.  No exceptions.  We are all here for fun, and nobody likes spam.

Permitted signage includes: LUGs and LTCs and a small card for personal sites such as BrickShelf and Flickr.  No "stacks" of anything.  Excessive signage and signs directing to selling sites may be immediately removed by BF staff.

No.  All items must be carried or carted into the hall.  Loading docks are as close as your car will get.

No.  We have pallet jacks that can be borrowed, but this is probably overkill for your needs  Your best option is to bring your own cart.